Phoebe's Story
Child: Phoebe, aged 2 years
Mum: Megan
Location: Wagga Wagga
How many kids in the family: Two, plus two step-children
Diagnosis: Hydrocephalus
Time in the Country Hope family: 12 months
“Country Hope has helped immensely, by taking the stress out of getting to and from Sydney hospital for treatment.
The most important thing I can recommend for families with a sick child is to not bottle it up. I used to bottle it up, but then found I was emotionally exhausted. I felt excluded and numb. When I bottled my feelings up, I wasn’t able to help Phoebe with her frustration either. It’s not always easy to turn to a family or friend because you don’t want to burden them, so it was nice to be able to turn to a friendly face at Country Hope when I needed someone to talk to and get things off my chest.
Kids who get sick are still who they were yesterday. It’s still their story. Phoebe is still the same Phoebe, it’s just another part of her story, and it adds to her story. Knowing this helps me get through.”