Elaina's Story
Child: Elaina, 10 years old
Parent: Thom
Location: Wagga Wagga
How many kids in the family: One child, and five step-children
Diagnosis: Desmoid tumour under her eye
Time in the Country Hope family: 9 years
“Country Hope have helped and supported our family over the years with multiple trips to Sydney for treatment, food and fuel costs, camps and Christmas events. Country Hope also helped us buy a van (people-mover) when Mum was expecting her 6th child.
Elaina’s pain started increasing at the age of 4 and by age 6 she was having to undergo multiple tests each time the pain worsened, despite being on strong pain medication. Elaina continues to see her pain team twice a year in Sydney.
With her siblings also having various health and wellbeing complications, the assistance given to our family by Country Hope has helped enormously.
Elaina’s health and wellbeing come first and we make sacrifices wherever necessary to care for her needs as they come.
The most important thing I could tell families with a sick child is to be adaptable. We often have to change our plans on a whim because Elaina needs to leave town and one of us needs to step in and care for the other children. At first this was frustrating because I couldn’t maintain a steady job, but I’ve learned how to adapt.
Also don’t be afraid to stand up for what you know is right. After we moved away from the children’s hospitals, we found ourselves having to say ‘you’re wrong’ to doctors who simply didn’t understand the complications and implications for our child. There are many great doctors in rural areas, but they are not always specialised in your child’s condition and sometimes you need to stand firm because you know your child.
I would tell other families that they’re not alone. There are lots of families here who are also going through this. People who have been where you are now, who are willing to support you, have a coffee, cry with you or just be there for you.
Also try to remember the siblings. It can be hard when all of your energy is on the sick child, but siblings also have important needs, and the Country Hope Time Out for Life Camp is a great initiative to help with that.”