Narrandera Fishing Clinic
The fishing clinic at Narrandera Fisheries Centre on April 16 was a fantastic day out for a group of our Country Hope families. A beautiful sunny day and a great array of activities provided by the staff and volunteers of the Fisheries Centre was enjoyed by all.
The activities included feeding the fish, yabbie races, colouring in books, the museum and most of all, actually catching some fish! The looks of delight on the faces of the children when they reeled in a live fish was worth the effort alone.
Our events manager, Tom Looney, was the only fisherman not to land a fish but he managed to win the yabbie race! The best catch of the day was by Billy Marzol who landed a lovely trout!
All the children received a cap and t-shirt from the Centre and a barbeque lunch was provided by the Narrandera Lions Club.
This day will now be an annual event and from the comments of those who attended, it will be bigger and better next year!